Members of our team, Dora Kodrić and Ivana Marić, held a lecture at the "The Future of Comfortable Housing 2024" student conference. Through the lecture entitled "Rimac Campus - architecture and sustainability", students were presented with our work on the Rimac Campus project, with special emphasis on the concept of the production and development-research campus, the relationship with the environment, the mutual relationship of volumes and the applied principles of sustainability.
The second lecture on the topic of the Campus was given by a representative of the thermal engineering contractor Luka Milat (Zlaring). Luka explained to the students in more detail how the campus energy system was designed and how it will function.
The conference was organized in March by the Student Association for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Consulting (SUPEUS). The theme of this year's edition was "EcoConnect: In step with energy and innovation".
Rimac Campus – architecture and sustainability