ECOtechGREEN Award 2019

28. September 2019

We are the winners of the ECOtechGREEN Award 2019. In the "technological green & tourism infrastructures" category two of our projects have shared the first prize: Grand Park Hotel Rovinj and Karlovac Freshwater Aquarium. The jury substantiated their decision with the following explanatory statement: "...for the multidisciplinary approach of the studio that, with its contemporary and highly technological projects, pays particular attention to the protection and conservation of the environment, mainly through the reduction of negative impacts and the rational use of natural resources". The awards are presented by the Paysage organization together with the Topscape international magazine and the National Council of Architects and Conservationists of Italy. The award ceremony was a part of the ECOTECHGREEN International Forum in Padua held this weekend. 
More about the award here.
