Saša Begović has been invited to give a lecture at the prestigious Illinois Institute of Architecture in Chicago. Besides being Associate Professor at Cornell University (Gensler Visiting Critic) this spring semester, he's going to have a lecture at the famous Mies van der Rohe's S.R. Crown Hall and will also participate in Studio critic on April 17. This event has been organised by American Institute of Architecture at Illinois Tech. Begović will speak about his experiences as an architect trained in Croatia, about 3LHDs' work, and dialogues between Croatian and American architecture, elaborating on the differences between architecture in the two regions in terms of culture, influences, regulations, and more. He was selected to speak this semester after the students had the realization that too often lectures only feature American architects. "We saw this as an excellent chance to invite an international architect to perform a comparison and contrast with American architecture for those who are interested in practicing overseas after graduation to expand their professional horizons," says Andrew Jiang, AIAS Chapter President.
Saša Begović guest lecturer and studio critic at IIT, Chicago