Nominations for Piranesi Award

22. October 2016

Karlovac freshwater aquarium has been nominated for this year's Piranesi Award. Prizes will be awarded as part of the Piran Days of Architecture, architectural conference which has been held in Piran in Slovenia since 1983. Piranesi Award is given to recently completed projects of architectural offices in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia. Selectors from each of the participating countries are in charge of selection of the projects. Croatian selector is architect and theorist of architecture Maroje Mrduljaš. The award ceremony will be held on November 19th 2016. Karlovac freshwater aquarium is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under the "Regional Competitiveness" 2007-20013 Operational Programme. The total value of the project is 36.691.939,28 Kuna's, of which the grant from the European Regional Development Fund is 36,222,282.45 Kuna's.
