The first CYAN Festival of Visual Culture will take place in Split, on November 24th and 25th. One of the participants/speakers is Saša Begović. His lecture, titled "The Art of the Possible," is scheduled for Saturday, November 25th at 6 pm.
Design Hub Split, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the profession and educating young people, is the organizer of the first edition of the festival with the theme "Possibility." This theme explores the roots of possibilities stemming from our birth, upbringing, conditions, the city and neighbourhood where we grew up, as well as the surrounding environment. The festival will uncover perspectives on possibilities in various creative professions. Participants will share their experiences of how obstacles or positive moments have influenced their work as creatives. There will be attempts to answer the key question: how they achieved success thanks to the opportunities presented to them during their careers or despite the challenges they faced.
Find out more by following this link.
CYAN festival of visual culture