The official CAA award ceremony and the opening of the exhibition of awarded and nominated projects was held on Thursday, April 21st. One of the projects nominated for the annual Bernardo Bernardi award was 3LHDs' Hotel Adriatic. The winner of the Viktor Kovačić lifetime achievement award is Ph.D. Hildegard Auf-Franić, and the annual awards were awarded to: Radionica arhitekture + Vanja Ilić for the Museum of Vučedol culture, Davor Mateković for the "Stone House", Drazen Juračić and Jelena Skorup for the Pine beach resort, Maroje Mrduljaš, Antun Sevšek, Damir Gamulin for the book and exhibition " Prostori su-djelovanja: 20 godina planiranja Zadarske županije" and Tomislav Pavelić for architectural essays "O busenu trave pod stopalom".
Annual CAA awards in Kockica