Work on the construction site of Hotel LN Garden Resort in Guangzhou

11. February 2015

Preparation works on the construction site for the 3LHDs' project of future Hotel LN Garden Resort in Guangzhou are finished. Work on the basement levels will be finished by June, and works on the construction will be completed by the end of 2015. Work on the interior will take place in 2016, and the opening of the hotel is planned for January 2017. The project of a hotel in the Nansha district of Guangzhou city, is located on Zhu Jiang (Pearl River) estuary, as part of the Nansha Seaside Park. The hotel has a surface of 55000 m2 and 374 rooms. The surrounding landscape and the building will form a unique whole - the greenery from the outside will continue in the interior. 
More about the project here.
