Park Kneževa nominated for Drago Galić Award

17. March 2023

Residential block Park Kneževa has been nominated for the "Drago Galić" Award for the most successful achievement in the field of residential architecture for the year 2022. 
The basic idea of this block is the pedestrian connection of Branimirova and Bornina streets, clear visibility and access to the city and the block, the creation of a new large green area - an urban park in the block interior. Despite the density of the built-up space, a direct connection of buildings to the ground floor has been maintained and the higher structures in the block interior have a visual connection with the rest of the city.
The opening of the Annual Exhibition and the awarding of the UHA Awards are planned for May 2023 in Zagreb.

Read more about the award here.

Read more about the project here.
