Neboder 123 Business tower Ljubljanska Selska

06. October 2006

Studio 3LHD won the first prize on the competition for the design of a new business tower at the crossroads of Ljubljanska Avenija and Selska cesta in Zagreb. The studio won with the project for a skyscraper 123 metres tall, the tallest in Croatia, and for the urban planning of the immediate surrounding.The idea of the work is based on identifying the problem of the lack of public urban space. The analysis of the site showed the existence of two matrices - a modern urban and the relics of the rural which has been absorbed by the city space, showing that neither model has enough quality public space. The 123 Tower will have the state-of-the-art DIAGRID structure. This is a diagonal grid, the structure concept distinguished by maximum strength, safety and cost effectiveness. DIAGRID is a framework construction on the perimeter of the building, creating a triangular structure with diagonal bearing beams and columns. The 123 Tower will be the first building in Zagreb to use this structural concept. 
 More about the project here.
