As part of the ArchiGUEST program, Saša Begović was a guest lecturer and workshop leader in Novi Sad. The lecture and workshop titled "New Life (Re)City – Adaptive Reuse" took place on May 14th in the Ceremony Hall of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
During the lecture, Saša presented the longstanding activities of 3LHD, with a special emphasis on the "ReUse" architectural approach. The workshop, "Second Life (Re)City – Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for the Sustainability of the City and its Built Environment," explored and showcased possible interventions and transformations of urban structures, abandoned and degraded industrial, and other public buildings, aiming to create new functionalities. This initiative encouraged reflection on a sustainable approach to urban planning and the revitalization of spaces.
New Life of Buildings - adaptive reuse
Architectural Workshop & Lecture, Ceremonial Hall of the Faculty of Technical Sciences / Novi Sad